Likes do not equal success

Being a success in business does not necessarily make you a happier person, it can be part of it yes but rarely wholly the reason. Being a happy, contented and confident person, however, can help you more forward in your business. We live in an age where people read comments before, and often in place of reading the article. So your headline or tagline needs to be on point. It can be relevant, controversial, eye-catching, bold, anything but boring but it’s got to get a response or in the case of Facebook now reactions! Engagement is more important than ever and you need to figure out how to get people talking about your brand.

Followers often judge based on popularity, and in particular, if you’re not out there on social media channels then they’re not even going to know (or care) you exist. So do some research and figure out which platforms your customers are on and don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. Facebook is massively popular for the beauty businesses which means there is an exceptional amount of competition so think about alternative channels where your competitors aren’t marketing as well.

However, a million likes do not always equate to financial success and mean nothing if you don’t like yourself and your products! Just a few positive points:

  • No Instagram filter can ever make a moment more beautiful than when you’re living it. Switch off your phone and be in the moment outside of business.
  • No FB relationship can ever hold you in the way a friend can throw their arms around you in a hug. Cherish those friends and make time for them.
  • No Tweet, no matter how many retweets will be remembered and retold the way an anecdote will be. Laugh at your friend’s jokes and stories and remind them of those moments.
  • No Pinterest board should give you fulfilment the way your real life can. Learn a new skill for fun, surround yourself with positive people who support you and share your wins!
  • No testimonial on LinkedIn can give you a genuine feeling of self-worth that you need to build up in yourself. Focus on self-belief and inner confidence.

Social Media…. remember it’s okay sometimes to drop the media and get social! It’s hard being self-employed, especially in the beginning and particularly when you’re on your own. It can get lonely which is something they don’t tell you when you read about all the great things in entrepreneurial life!

Whether it’s live networking, coffee with potential clients, group events in industry, meeting up with a business coach or even just a chat with a friend who is self-employed too and give yourselves a pat on the back because you are amazing!

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

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