I planted trees! This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a few years and finally got to do. However, I was aware of greenwashing and that some companies are paying someone to do it for them and the trees are not being cared for or planted in a way that is good for them. So I took my time to get this right.
I wanted to get my hands dirty. In 2023, I reached out to my eco-scientist friend and we connected with a forest ranger and a land owner in Scotland. Over the last two years since we came out of lockdown, I’ve spent a few weekends travelling to meet them and plant a variety of tree saplings.
It was so important we choose a good piece of land, that the different species of tree saplings would thrive well together, and that they would be looked after in the long run so that they will continue to grow over the years.
So now in 2024, I’m so proud to say that every single one of my author clients has a little tree growing in Scotland. Every one of their books is obviously made of paper from trees and so now we get to give back to the environment and replenish.
My plan going forward to geotag each tree and plant one tree specifically for each author and send a photo. I’m currently looking getting little book covers printed onto biodegradable paper to attach (gently) to each tree. So every author going forward will have their ‘own’ tree.