03 Nov A Book Editor’s Whirlwind Month: Birthdays, New Clients, and London Awaits!
Hello writers and readers,
If someone had told me just how eventful last month would be, I might have tried to sneak in a bit more of that elusive ‘me-time’. But life, as they say, often has its own plans.
Firstly, and I can hardly believe it as I type this, I celebrated another trip around the sun. Yes, it was my birthday in October! 🎉 Amidst the delightful chaos of manuscripts, edits, and client calls, I found time to raise a glass (or two) to another year of lessons, love, and literary adventures.
Speaking of literary endeavours, I’ve had the pleasure of welcoming some truly wonderful new clients to my roster. It’s always a joy to discover fresh voices and help shape narratives, but this month has been particularly special. One of my authors has just finalised the book cover. And I’ve just booked in the final in a trilogy with a repeat client I’ve been working with for over six years. To say it’s been thrilling would be an understatement. There’s something ineffably rewarding about seeing a manuscript transition from rough drafts to a polished, ready-to-publish gem.
And just when I thought things couldn’t get any more exhilarating, I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to the London Festival of Writing. If you’re unfamiliar with it, it’s an annual gathering of writers, agents, and industry professionals, hosted by Jericho Writers. Last year was my first time and I found it to be an invaluable space for networking, learning, and of course, celebrating the written word. With engaging workshops, panel discussions, and the ever-anticipated ‘Book Doctor’ appointments, each year it promises to be a literary feast. Here is the link if you would like to join in or have more information – www.jerichowriters.com/events/festival-of-writing
Last year, I was honoured to be chosen from over 800 submissions as a finalist in their famous Friday Night Live event where I had to go on stage and read the opening of my novel. Since then I’ve been working with a publishing mentor called Michele who has been helping me self-edit my story (yes, even professionals seek out other pros) before I pitch my novel to agents in 2024.
So, after a whirlwind of a month and my trip to London, I’m filled with gratitude and pretty tuckered out. For the stories that find their way to me, the authors I get to collaborate with, and the sheer unpredictability that this profession offers. Here’s to two more months of literary surprises before the new year!
Wishing you all a fabulous start to your November,
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